Special Collections and University Archives

Art + Social Practice Archive

Since 2018 we have been working with archivists, students, community members, artists, researchers and web developers and PDXScholar to establish the Art and Social Practice Archive at the Portland State University Library Special Collections. The digital component of this archive is now launched for public access and access to researchers globally! The Art and Social … Continue reading the article: Art + Social Practice Archive

Athanasius Kircher and Other Curiosities from Special Collections

Welcome to Special Collections’ Spring 2019 exhibit: especially for bibliophiles! “Master of a Hundred Arts” Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) was regarded as a great intellectual during his lifetime. With insatiable curiosity, access to the expansive knowledge networks of the Jesuit order, and the power to disperse his ideas in print, Kircher produced over forty “seat-cushion-sized” tomes … Continue reading the article: Athanasius Kircher and Other Curiosities from Special Collections

Senior Capstone Students Present Research on 16th-Century Book of Hours

Thielman Kerver came to Paris in the late fifteenth century and operated a bookshop and printing press at the “Sign of the Unicorn.” Kerver’s large collection of engravings distinguished his printed works with rich detail in religious iconography, teeming Gothic illustrations, and delicate Renaissance marginalia. In 2018, with the generous support of the Gordon Hunter … Continue reading the article: Senior Capstone Students Present Research on 16th-Century Book of Hours

Autumn Exhibits: Special Collections and University Archives

What do a rare devotional text, published writing by Portland State students, and arguments aimed at convincing Oregonian voters have in common? The simple answer is that these are all examples of unique artifacts and collections held by Portland State University Library Special Collections and University Archives! The Library’s exhibit this autumn reflects the beginnings … Continue reading the article: Autumn Exhibits: Special Collections and University Archives

PSU Library Special Collections Participates in Oregon Archives Crawl

Join PSU Library Special Collections and University Archives and more than 30 other local archives, special collections, and heritage organizations on Saturday, October 20, 2018 for the Oregon Archives Crawl.  Start the Crawl at any of these locations: City of Portland Archives & Records Center, the Oregon Historical Society or the Multnomah County Library. At … Continue reading the article: PSU Library Special Collections Participates in Oregon Archives Crawl

Origins of Modern Middle East Studies: Scholarly and Travel Writing Before 1900

Middle East Studies in the West is informed by centuries of intellectual exchange that includes foundational works by Middle Eastern historians, language and cultural studies by European scholars, and popular travel writing by men and women who toured Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Turkey in the 19th century. The Library’s exhibit, richly annotated by PSU … Continue reading the article: Origins of Modern Middle East Studies: Scholarly and Travel Writing Before 1900

“Conservatism in a Revolutionary Era”

The latest Library exhibit, opening May 31, 2017, presents a less-examined side of political debates and demonstrations during the Vietnam War era. As United States military involvement in Vietnam escalated during the late 1960s, students at colleges and universities around the world mobilized against the war. From the Sorbonne in Paris to Kent State University in Ohio, … Continue reading the article: “Conservatism in a Revolutionary Era”

Portland State Campus Rap-In

University Archives presents a new audio collection in PDXScholar Portland State, like many colleges and universities in the United States, grappled with issues of political protest and freedom of expression at the start of the 1970s, and Portland State student media played a major part in creating public forums for campus voices. One outlet was the … Continue reading the article: Portland State Campus Rap-In

Never Built: The Past Future of Portland State

An astronomical observatory on the roof of the Ondine? An elementary school on campus? A student-run television studio? These are just a few of the Portland State projects that campus planners and architects envisioned, designed, and drew… but never built. The “never-built environment” is a term for architectural design and urban planning projects that were either … Continue reading the article: Never Built: The Past Future of Portland State

Congressional Internship with Senator Merkley in Summer 2017

Are you an undergraduate at Portland State who is seeking opportunities to get involved with making public policy? Are you inspired to work for social and economic justice? Senator Jeff Merkley wants you to join him and his staff in Washington, D.C., this summer! From Sen. Merkley’s press release: “Senator Merkley is offering a $5,000 stipend for … Continue reading the article: Congressional Internship with Senator Merkley in Summer 2017