
Summer 2022 Exhibit: Medieval Portland Explores the Nuremberg Chronicle

The Liber chronicarum or Weltchronik of 1493, more commonly known as the Nuremberg Chronicle, is a world history that is one of the most famous early printed books or incunabula. This summer, the PSU Library exhibit presents interpretations of leaves of the Nuremberg Chronicle by students in the Spring 2022 Medieval Portland Capstone taught by … Continue reading the article: Summer 2022 Exhibit: Medieval Portland Explores the Nuremberg Chronicle

Call for Proposals: Open Educational Resources Grants

The PSU Library seeks grant proposals that implement high-impact, culturally relevant/inclusive projects supporting open education and reduced textbook costs in lower-division courses. Award levels:  Level 1 – $1,000: Locate, evaluate, and adopt an existing Open Educational Resource Level 2 – $2,000: Adapt, update, or combine existing Open Educational Resources into a new resource Level 3- … Continue reading the article: Call for Proposals: Open Educational Resources Grants

PSU Anthropology Presents Archaeology First Thursdays

Archaeology First Thursdays Archaeology First Thursdays are an opportunity to take a deep dive into archaeology practice. Each month our distinguished guests present research. You have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their research directly with them.  RECORDINGS: PDXScholar Archive The final presentation in the series happened May 5, 2022.  Past Events: Indigenous … Continue reading the article: PSU Anthropology Presents Archaeology First Thursdays

Forthcoming Elsevier Negotiations: An Update from Interim Dean Michael Bowman

To our shared campus communities, The scholarly, commercial publishing marketplace has changed significantly since our last negotiation with Elsevier in 2014. Elsevier started charging researchers article processing charges (APCs) to enable open access publishing in 2013. At the time of our last contract, open access publishing was not yet seen as an integral part of … Continue reading the article: Forthcoming Elsevier Negotiations: An Update from Interim Dean Michael Bowman

PDXScholar Reaches 10 Million Downloads!

PDXScholar hits an amazing milestone – 10 million downloads!  PDXScholar,  The Institutional Repository for Portland State University, hosts the research, scholarship, and creative works of Portland State University faculty, staff, and students.   Dedicated to open access, PSU Library collects, preserves, and distributes works produced at PSU, making them discoverable to anyone, anywhere in … Continue reading the article: PDXScholar Reaches 10 Million Downloads!

Free Resource: Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

Portland State University Library announces the publication of a new open access textbook!  Congratulations to Jenny Ceciliano and Lisa Notman on the publication of Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!, an open access textbook available in PDXScholar, the campus repository for PSU.  This textbook is designed for the Beginning Spanish sequence (Spanish 101, 102 & 103). … Continue reading the article: Free Resource: Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

Student Research Symposium

Student Research Symposium Happens May 4, 2022. The Student Research Symposium is an opportunity for current PSU graduate and undergraduate students across all disciplines to showcase their research. Students gain experience and confidence presenting and defending ideas to an audience, and get valuable feedback to further their investigations. This year’s in-person Symposium will take place … Continue reading the article: Student Research Symposium

Racial Justice as Climate Justice: Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar Series

See sociologist Julius McGee’s talk: Racial Justice as Climate Justice, part of the Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar Series! Join us real time February 4, 2022 at noon, or view recordings archived permanently in PDXScholar, the campus repository for PSU. TITLE: Racial Justice as Climate Justice PRESENTER: Julius McGee WHEN: February 04, 2022, noon WHERE: … Continue reading the article: Racial Justice as Climate Justice: Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar Series