Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day

Albina Zone by Lisa Bates
Albina Zone Synopsis
In near future Portland, the police have been abolished, but what else is needed for real liberation? A gifted young woman and her mother struggle to communicate across a rift of unspoken history.
Read Albina Zone, a short story by Lisa Bates.
Listen to Albina Zone, read by the author.
About the Author
Lisa K. Bates, PhD is Associate Professor at Portland State University in the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning and is a Portland Professor in Innovative Housing Policy. She is also affiliated with PSU’s Black Studies department. Her scholarship focuses on housing and community development policy and planning, and her research and practice aims to build new models for emancipatory planning practices and to dismantle institutional racism.

Rememory by Walidah Imarisha
Rememory Synopsis
Set in a future world where those who believe in liberation have set up autonomous zones across the United States, teen Ayo contemplates her place in this society without prisons and police. While her chosen sibling Essakai is fighting to free more territories, Ayo decides to journey into the Rememory, the collective consciousness of past Black liberation movements, to find out what her role in creating these new just worlds should be.
Read Rememory, a short story by Walidah Imarisha.
Listen to Rememory, read by the author.
About the Author
Walidah Imarisha is Director of the Center for Black Studies and Assistant Professor in the Black Studies Department at Portland State University. Imarisha is an educator and a writer. She is the co-editor of two anthologies, Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movements and Another World is Possible. Imarisha is also the author of Angels with Dirty Faces: Three Stories of Crime, Prison and Redemption, which won a 2017 Oregon Book Award. She spent 6 years with Oregon Humanities’ Conversation Project as a public scholar facilitating programs across the state about Oregon Black history and other topics. In 2015, she received a Tiptree Fellowship for her science fiction writing. In the past, Imarisha has taught at Stanford University, Oregon State University, and Pacific Northwest College of the Arts.
These short stories are part of the anthology, Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day, hosted in PDXScholar, the institutional repository for Portland State University, part of the University Library’s Racial and Gender Equity Collection, one of the Featured Collections.
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Find more in PDXScholar with the advanced search feature: Black Lives Matter