
Emily Ford Wins Butler Award

Portland State University Library is pleased to announce the winner of the 2016 Kenneth W. and Elsie W. Butler Award for Library Faculty Service, Assistant Professor and Urban and Public Affairs Librarian Emily Ford. Professor Ford integrates library instruction into both undergraduate and graduate coursework, provides individual guidance and support to students, and works with … Continue reading the article: Emily Ford Wins Butler Award

Librarian Joan Petit Named Fulbright Scholar to Ethiopia

Joan Petit of Portland State University Library has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program grant to Ethiopia for the 2016-2017 academic year. Petit, an associate professor and librarian, will be based in the Information Science department at Jimma University, where she will teach and research. “It’s an incredible honor to be chosen as a … Continue reading the article: Librarian Joan Petit Named Fulbright Scholar to Ethiopia

Spring 2016 Exhibit: The Personal Is Political

PSU Library Special Collections’ spring exhibit features Portland politician and activist Gretchen Kafoury (1942-2015). Through a wide range of materials curated from Kafoury’s papers, the exhibit connects the passion she brought to the causes she fought for to each role she played in Oregon politics, whether organizing local actions or holding elected office. Highlights include Kafoury’s activism in … Continue reading the article: Spring 2016 Exhibit: The Personal Is Political

PDXScholar Registered with SHARE

Portland State University Library recently registered the Portland State institutional repository, PDXScholar, with SHARE: “SHARE is a higher education initiative whose mission is to maximize research impact by making research widely accessible, discoverable, and reusable. To fulfill this mission SHARE is building a free, open, data set about research and scholarly activities across their life cycle.” … Continue reading the article: PDXScholar Registered with SHARE

PSU Joins Open Library of Humanities Library Partnership Program

Portland State University Library has joined more than 180 libraries in North America and the United Kingdom as a member of the Library Partnership program of the Open Library of Humanities. The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a non-profit organization dedicated to publishing open access scholarship with no author-facing article processing charges (APCs).  With … Continue reading the article: PSU Joins Open Library of Humanities Library Partnership Program

Faculty & Grad Students: Demonstrate Your Scholarly Impact

Demonstrating the impact of your scholarly agenda and scholarly output is a nuanced art. There are multi-faceted ways to measure your work’s impact, and a myriad of ways to present it. You can use both quantitative and qualitative measures in demonstrating impact. In an era of constant technological change, there are even more ways to capture evidence of … Continue reading the article: Faculty & Grad Students: Demonstrate Your Scholarly Impact