
Open Access Textbooks at Portland State

PSU Alumni Association and Library Aim to Reduce Student Costs and Enhance Learning Updated January 26, 2017: Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal for an open access textbook. The deadline for submissions now has passed. With generous support from the Portland State University Alumni Association, the Portland State University Library is pleased to announce a new round … Continue reading the article: Open Access Textbooks at Portland State

Featured Resource – Routledge Handbooks Online

About Routledge Handbooks Online The Routledge Handbooks Online is the Portland State University Library’s featured resource. Routledge Handbooks Online is a collection of many scholarly reference eBooks. The eBooks have information on research topics vital to PSU students and faculty. Topics include historic and current research, and future trends in the Social Sciences and Humanities. … Continue reading the article: Featured Resource – Routledge Handbooks Online

Featured Resource – Transport eBooks Collection by Emerald Publishing

Transportation and Urban Development Resources at PSU Library The way we transport people and everything else is vital to our daily lives – from the way we commute to school and work, to our travel plans for vacation, to the way our groceries arrive in stores and restaurants. Researchers constantly study transportation, traffic, and urban … Continue reading the article: Featured Resource – Transport eBooks Collection by Emerald Publishing

PSU Library Sponsors Faculty Member’s Attendance to OpenCon 2016

PSU Library Supports Faculty Scholarship Erin Flynn, Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies, has been awarded a fully paid scholarship to attend OpenCon 2016 by the Portland State University Library and Office of Research and Strategic Partnerships. OpenCon 2016 is a conference “platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education, … Continue reading the article: PSU Library Sponsors Faculty Member’s Attendance to OpenCon 2016

PSU Library to Award $10,000 with Open Access Article Processing Charge Fund

PSU Library Supports Open Access Publishing Open Access Article Processing Charge Fund (OA APC) is a $10,000 pilot fund set aside by the PSU Library to fund PSU research for publication in open access journals. Funds awarded to eligible applicants may be used to pay article processing charges at open access publications. These funds will … Continue reading the article: PSU Library to Award $10,000 with Open Access Article Processing Charge Fund

Free Textbooks at the Library with Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources – What are They? Textbooks are expensive! Textbooks today cost 800% more than 1978 studies show a direct link between textbook costs and student success. A 2016 student survey by Florida Virtual Campus found that 66.6% of students do not purchase textbooks due to high cost. Even worse, this survey shows that … Continue reading the article: Free Textbooks at the Library with Open Educational Resources

Article Processing Charges and An Interview with Professor Ballhorn

Open Access and Article Processing Charges Some open access publications ask authors to pay article processing charges (APCs) to support making their articles readily available while moving away from subscriptions income. These fees allow journals to make their publications immediately and freely available online. Journals understand that APC fees can be a barrier for researchers without funding. … Continue reading the article: Article Processing Charges and An Interview with Professor Ballhorn

PSU Library Celebrates Open Access Week

International Open Access Week is upon us! Celebrate open access and publishing with the PSU Library from October 24 through October 30, 2016. Open access the movement to make scholarly endeavors available to the public without financial and licensing barriers. Open access is the immediate, online availability of research that have minimal license restrictions. During … Continue reading the article: PSU Library Celebrates Open Access Week