
Books by Angela Davis at PSU and Summit Libraries

Dr. Angela Davis, a world-renowned author, educator, and activist, will be the MLK Tribute Week keynote speaker at Portland State University on January 21 at 6pm at the Peter Stott Center. Through her activism and scholarship over decades, Angela Davis has been deeply involved in social justice. Her work as an educator, both at the university level … Continue reading the article: Books by Angela Davis at PSU and Summit Libraries

PSU Library Website in Top Ten for 2014

Harvard librarian Emily Singley blogs about library websites and user interfaces. She compiled a list of the best academic library websites of 2014, and PSU Library was on the list, along with North Carolina State University, Cornell, University of Minnesota, Brigham Young, and others. Her criteria were websites that were unified, instructive, and accessible from any … Continue reading the article: PSU Library Website in Top Ten for 2014

Sara Read, Oregon Library Employee of the Year

Library Technician Sara Read has worked at PSU Library for many years, first, from 2005-2009, as a student worker, and, since 2011, as a full-time employee. Sara’s specific job includes staffing the Circulation Desk, retrieving books and other materials from Library storage, maintaining technology equipment for loaning, keeping supplies stocked, and giving library tours. More … Continue reading the article: Sara Read, Oregon Library Employee of the Year

Free Coffee After Midnight!

Through the end of finals, Branford’s Bean is providing free coffee, while supplies last, each night after they close. Here’s their schedule for the next two weeks: Tuesday, 12/2:  7:30am – midnight Wednesday, 12/3:  7:30am – midnight Thursday, 12/4:  7:30am – midnight Friday, 12/5:  7:30am – 6:00pm Saturday, 12/6:  10:00am – 6:00pm Sunday, 12/7:  1:30pm … Continue reading the article: Free Coffee After Midnight!

Collection Features Voices from Portland’s Sustainable Economy

By Laura Gleim, Institute for Sustainable Solutions Wondering what New Seasons was like back in 2006 as it ramped up to take the Portland area by storm? Or how Hopworks Urban Brewery’s pubs can afford to have custom furniture made of old growth wood? Or why Portland Fashion Week staked its claim on eco-fashion? A new … Continue reading the article: Collection Features Voices from Portland’s Sustainable Economy

Linda Absher Presents Sabbatical Research

Humanities Librarian Linda Absher presented “Lumpia & Fried Chicken: Biracial/Bicultural Military Families in Solano County, California” at the Third Biennial Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference held at DePaul University in Chicago on November 14th. This presentation was based on her sabbatical project collecting the stories and images from families made up of U.S. servicemen and their … Continue reading the article: Linda Absher Presents Sabbatical Research