Tell us how Portland State University Library can serve you better!
The survey is now closed. Thanks to all who participated!
The survey, known as LibQUAL+®, assesses your satisfaction with our collections, services, and spaces. The same survey instrument is being used at participating academic libraries throughout the world. To ensure the broadest range of opinion, we hope you will choose to respond. Past experience indicates it takes an average of 10-15 minutes to complete the web-based survey. The survey is sponsored by Portland State University Library and administered by the Association of Research Libraries.
Your responses will provide essential information for us. Please take the time to complete the online survey. We would greatly appreciate your help and thank you for your participation – it means a lot to the Library!
This survey is important to the Library.
Portland State participated in LibQUAL+® in 2008, 2011, and 2013 and we made numerous improvements based on the results, including creating the Learning Ground and Sandbox, adding more comfortable seating, providing laptop checkout, creating partnerships with the Learning Center and Writing Center, and providing access to more online journals and books. Your voice was heard and we want to listen again.
Your responses will:
- Help us better understand the Portland State community’s view of Library services and how we can improve those services.
- Let us know where we can concentrate scarce resources to best serve you.
- Allow us to assess Portland State’s results against other libraries to determine best practices.
All eight core questions must be completed for your choices to be included in the overall results. If you do not wish to respond to a particular question, just select the “NA” box in the right hand column.
Prize Drawing
To thank you for participating, the Library is offering several prizes, the winners to be randomly selected from participants completing the survey. You can enter the drawing by entering your e-mail address at the end of survey.
- Grand Prize: iPad® Air2, WiFi 16GB ($499 value)
- $50 Portland State Bookstore gift certificate (2 to give away)
- $10 Starbucks gift card (7 to give away)
Survey responses will be reported in aggregate. Individual responses will not be disclosed. If you provide your email address for the prize drawing it is immediately separated from your survey responses when you submit the survey. Once the responses are saved, there is no way to link an individual’s responses to an email address. Comment data will be available to library staff for review; it may be cited in reports, presentations, or publications referencing the survey; there will be no way to identify who made the comments. All research records will be kept confidential by the Principal Investigator and the Association of Research Libraries.
If you choose to participate you may withdraw at any time. If you choose not to participate it will not affect your relationship with either Portland State University Library or Portland State University.
Whom to Contact
About your participation in this study or your rights as a research participant, contact the Human Subjects Research Review Committee in the Office of Research and Strategic Partnerships, 600 University Technology Services, Portland State University, 503-725-4288.
About the survey itself, please contact Tom Bielavitz, or (503) 725-4576.
This document is the informed consent notice. If you agree to participate, you may print this document for your records. By clicking on the survey link, you are giving your informed consent to participate in the survey.
This survey is available in print format upon request.
Many thanks for your help on this important project.
Marilyn K. Moody
Dean of the University Library