Join librarian Michael Bowman for these upcoming fall workshops. See our complete list of workshops here.
Managing Resources with Zotero and Mendeley

Zotero and Mendeley are web-based and desktop citation and PDF management tools that make it easy to collect, organize and cite research materials. Both are terrific tools for anyone working on a research project, as they can help you manage your research materials from multiple sources and insert them into your publications with ease.
Dates Offered
10/21/2015 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
11/17/2015 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Library, Room 160
1st Floor, Across from the Elevators
Michael Bowman
Organizing Your Information

Learn how to efficiently review and manage information of all types. This covers software such as RSS readers, read later programs, note taking and storing applications and citation management software.
Dates Offered
11/4/2015 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Library, Room 284
2nd Floor, Across from the Elevators
Michael Bowman
How to Make Your Research Data Sing

Want to learn skills that will boost your research and your career? What do you need to consider when you’re working with research data? Learn about file formats and organization, documentation so you can reuse your data later, and metadata to prepare for deposit in a data repository. Please email Michael Bowman if you plan on attending and let him know what department you are in. That will help him prepare discipline-specific examples. Registration in advance is only being requested for the data management workshop.
Dates Offered
11/24/2015 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Library, Room 170
1st Floor, Across from the Elevators
Michael Bowman