
New OPB Documentary Features Library Collections

A new OPB Oregon Experience documentary features items from the Verdell Burdine and Otto G. Rutherford Family Collection in Portland State University Library Special Collections. Portland Civil Rights: Lift Ev’ry Voice also includes interviews with Charlotte Rutherford, donor of the Rutherford Family Collection, and Senator Avel Gordly, who has placed her papers with us, as well … Continue reading the article: New OPB Documentary Features Library Collections

Earth Week at the Library

In recognition of Portland State University’s 8th Annual Earth Day Festival and the 45th anniversary of Earth Day in the United States, the Portland State University Library Green Team is devoting the week of April 20-24 to showcasing library materials that support the tenets of the original Earth Day: ecological awareness and encouragement of respect … Continue reading the article: Earth Week at the Library

Celebrate National Library Week 2015!

This week, Portland State University Library joins libraries in schools, campuses, and communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week, a time to highlight the changing role of libraries, librarians and library workers. Libraries today are more than warehouses for books. Instead, libraries and librarians are change agents within their communities, transforming lives through innovative educational resources … Continue reading the article: Celebrate National Library Week 2015!

Faculty Workshop: Finding and Embedding Library Content in D2L

Portland State University Library provides access to a wealth of online materials that can be used as online course content. Learn how to seamlessly integrate online articles, books, and multimedia into D2L and your syllabus while respecting copyright and licensing agreements. Join librarian Beth Pickard for this drop-in workshop on Thursday, April 9, 2015, from … Continue reading the article: Faculty Workshop: Finding and Embedding Library Content in D2L

Tell Us What You Think!

Tell us how Portland State University Library can serve you better! The survey is now closed. Thanks to all who participated! The survey, known as LibQUAL+®, assesses your satisfaction with our collections, services, and spaces. The same survey instrument is being used at participating academic libraries throughout the world. To ensure the broadest range of … Continue reading the article: Tell Us What You Think!

Task Force Authors Report on Costs of Course Materials

The Reduce Student Costs Task Force has released Reducing Student Costs: A Report on Textbooks and Course Materials. Appointed by the PSU Faculty Senate, the Associated Students of PSU, and the Provost, the Task Force led by Library Dean Marilyn Moody was charged with making recommendations for lowering the cost of course materials for PSU students. … Continue reading the article: Task Force Authors Report on Costs of Course Materials

College District Images Show Campus in 1960s

PSU Library Special Collections & University Archives is pleased to announce a new collection of historic photographs created in collaboration with PSU Capital Projects and Construction. Explore the Portland State “College District” as it appeared from 1962-1966, in the early days of urban renewal and campus expansion, in a series of images in the University Archives Digital Gallery. … Continue reading the article: College District Images Show Campus in 1960s