
Karen Bjork Named 2016 IR All-Star

Congratulations to Karen Bjork, named a 2016 IR All-Star! This recognition comes from Digital Commons and bepress, the company that provides the platform for PDXScholar, the institutional repository (IR) of Portland State University. Karen is the Head of Digital Initiatives in PSU Library and manages PDXScholar and the Digital Initiatives Unit. The announcement from Digital Commons … Continue reading the article: Karen Bjork Named 2016 IR All-Star

New Issue of McNair Online Scholars Journal

The latest issue of the McNair Scholars Online Journal is now available. The theme for the 2016 issue is “Wings Outstretched: New Contributions in Undergraduate Research.” Articles in the issue cover a range of topics: support for democracy among Russian youth, development of the annual killifish, faculty-student relationships, intimate partner violence, black carbon in the … Continue reading the article: New Issue of McNair Online Scholars Journal

2016 Master of Urban and Regional Planning Workshop Projects Available

Each year, graduating students in Portland State’s Master of Urban and Regional Planning program produce community-based applied planning projects for Portland and other local communities. This year’s projects are now available online in PDXScholar. Planning projects require the development and evaluation of alternatives and include recommendations for courses of action. They are problem-centered and geographically-focused, and incorporate … Continue reading the article: 2016 Master of Urban and Regional Planning Workshop Projects Available

Library Publishes New Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs

Portland State University Library is pleased to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of The Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs. The Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs (HGJPA) is a graduate student-led academic journal of the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government in the College of Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University. The … Continue reading the article: Library Publishes New Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs

Celebrate GLBT Book Month

Sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA), GLBT Book Month is “a nationwide celebration of the authors and writings that reflect the lives and experiences of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.” Portland State University Library is pleased to join ALA in celebrating GLBT Book Month with a display featuring a range of fiction … Continue reading the article: Celebrate GLBT Book Month