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The winner is…

PSU undergraduate student with the grand prize iPad from the LibQUAL+ library survey

PSU undergraduate student Casey Mitchell won the grand prize for the 2017 LibQUAL+ library survey

Congratulations to Casey Mitchell, a Portland State student who took the library survey in April and won the grand prize drawing for an iPad. Casey is a junior at Portland State and is majoring in both history and pre-education. After she graduates from PSU, her goal is to be a middle school social studies teacher.

Thank you to all 1172 members of the Portland State community who took the time to complete the survey in April. You provided feedback about library services and made your voice heard. Most importantly, your feedback will continue to help shape the future of the PSU Library’s planning!

About the Library Survey

The LibQUAL+ survey has been used at PSU Library since 2006 to improve library services. Past feedback has helped us to improve PSU Library services, including:

  • Creating new study spaces, such as the family study room and the 3rd floor study area

  • Making the library facilities more welcoming and better for study

  • Improving technology in the computer labs and study rooms

  • Incorporating feedback into long-term planning, as well as policies and procedures