Student Research
PDXScholar, the campus repository for Portland State University, hosts numerous student papers and projects. Many student works are cross-indexed in the University Library’s Racial and Gender Equity Collection, one of the PDXScholar Featured Collections.
Theses and Dissertations can be found listed in the department, school, or college in which the degree was awarded, the main collection of dissertations and theses, as well as Featured Collections, including the Equity collection, Climate Justice collection, and Covid-19 Collection.
All dissertations and theses are archived in PDXScholar.
Equity-focused Student Work

Nya Mbock
How African Immigrants Perceive Blackness Within the American Ideality:
The Sensory Woman Art Installation
This project aimed to create a multi-sensory mural with the guiding question, “How does the ideality of America become perceived and internalized through the eyes of African immigrants?”

Aliza Tuttle
More Examples of Equity-centered Student Work
Health of Transgender Adults, 2020
An Exploration of the Wide-Reaching Effects of The Repeal of Roe v. Wade on Women’s Access to Abortion
Women’s Work: a Feminist Standpoint Theory Study of Scholarship, Voice, and Resistance in the Academic Generation of Knowledge
Educational Leadership and Policy (Dissertations and Theses)
Gender Role as a Mediating Factor in Gender Pay Equity Analysis
Public Affairs and Policy (Graduate Dissertations)
Decolonizing Healthcare: a Black Feminist Analysis of Sisters Informing Sisters on Topics of AIDS (SISTA)
Sociology (Dissertations and Theses)
Nominate Exceptional Student Work or Give Consent to Share Your Work
- Nominate Student Research (Faculty only)
Students can ask their faculty advisor to submit work that was created for a class project! - Student Research Consent Form