Congratulations to Assistant Professor Jill Emery, Collection Development Librarian at Portland State University, and her collaborator Graham Stone, Information Resources Manager at University of Huddersfield in the United Kingdom, the recipients of the 2015 Ingram Coutts Award for Innovation in Electronic Resources Management. This award is given by the Association of Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Collection Management Section (CMS) of the American Librarian Association and recognizes significant and innovative contributions to electronic collections management and development practice. Emery and Stone are recognized for their work on the Techniques for Electronic Resource Management (TERMS) and Open Access Workflows for Academic Libraries (OAWAL) projects.

Jill Emery
Emery and Stone first developed TERMS, a crowdsourced guide to best practices for managing electronic resources with input from hundreds of librarians worldwide and six editors from three countries. TERMS successfully documents effective processes and procedures that can be implemented by libraries of any size or situation. Building on the achievements of TERMS, Emery and Stone are currently developing a new process and structure for managing open access content by sharing draft guidelines in OAWAL via blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and in-person at conferences. Their methods have been shared broadly, have encouraged participation, and have demonstrated significant impact on an international level. By addressing selection issues and processes, Emery and Stone have created effective organizational structures for electronic resource workflow management that have positively influenced the worldwide library community.

Graham Stone
The Ingram Coutts Award will be presented at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony at the American Library Association Annual Conference and Exposition on Saturday, June 27, 2015 in San Francisco. Emery and Stone will share a $2,000 award donated by Coutts Information Services, a division of Ingram, and a citation.
The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, metadata, collection management, preservation, electronic and continuing resources. ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.
Congratulations, Jill and Graham!