Share Your Work

Where to Publish?

With so many science communication and scholarly publishing venues, it can be hard to know how to share your work with a community of peers, students, and the interested public. Deciding where and how to share your work will depend on a variety of factors.

  • Do you need to publish peer-reviewed articles for promotion or tenure?
  • Do you want your ideas shared and targeted to a specific community?
  • Is it important to you that your work is shared in a way that it is free of financial barriers?

How you answered those questions will help you target specific publication and sharing venues. 


Subject Librarians can help you identify journals, and consult with you about appropriate sharing venues for your needs.

Promoting Your Scholarship

Effectively tracking, sharing, and promoting your scholarship is important for increasing the impact of your work. Using tools such as identify platforms and repositories can generate more visibility for you, and also highlight the impact of your program here at Portland State University.

Our guide to Promoting Your Scholarly Identity & Scholarship will introduce you to the key platforms and how to utilize them.

Demonstrate Your Work’s Impact

In addition to sharing the work that we create, we also want to demonstrate how impactful our work is on our students, peers, and communities. Impact can be based on traditional metrics (i.e. citations counts) and altmetrics (e.g. downloads count, social media and news media attention). 

For in-depth information, please read our Demonstrating Impact guide


Subject Librarians can help you with these tools and to identify other strategies to demonstrate your work’s impact.