Call It What It Is: Antiblackness

Special Anti-racism Issue of NW Journal Of Teacher Education 

Graffiti: If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Act NowCall It What It Is: Antiblackness centers and responds to the critical question, “What does it mean to be against the Black?”  Authors theorize (anti)blackness and illuminate the societal psyche and ethos of antiblackness in K-12 schooling and teacher preparation programs.  Through theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and narrative scholarship, this intellectual project invites Black and non-Black educators to not only see antiblackness, but to actively combat it to secure Black humanity.

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Special Issue Guest Editors:
Amir A. Gilmore, Washington State University
LaToya T. Brackett, University of Puget Sound
Davida Sharpe-Haygood, Pierce College