How do I Find a Journal in which to Publish Open Access?
Use this tool to search by journal title, subject, ISSN, or publisher to find open access journals where the library funds open publishing.
What is an open access (OA) journal/book?
Open access journals and books provide immediate global online access to articles with minimal or no copyright limitations. Readers anywhere in the world with Internet access may read, download, copy, and distribute that article or chapter with attribution to the original author.
Do open access journals/books employ peer review?
Absolutely. OA journals and books are differentiated by their business models, not in their manner of editing or peer review. There are thousands of peer-reviewed open access scholarly journals and books; currently, hundreds of them are indexed in Web of Science; inclusion in Web of Science is an indicator of high quality and high impact.
What types of fees are covered by the fund?
Fees associated with the cost of making an article or chapter readily available are covered by the fund. Costs for reprints, color illustration fees, non-open access page charges, administrative charges and other fees are not applicable.
Eligibility Requirements
- Currently employed PSU faculty who are the sole, primary, lead, or corresponding author of the work are eligible to receive funds.
- Works written by postdoctoral and graduate student sole, lead, primary, or corresponding authors will be accepted as long as the work is supported by the department or student advisor. For postdoctoral and graduate students, we will extend this privilege for up to six months post graduation/employment.
- Research outputs such as articles and book chapters must be unfunded. For example, grants that allow payment of APCs for funded research are ineligible.
- If you are an adjunct faculty member, please apply for support from the Faculty Education Fund provided through the PSUFA Collective Bargaining Agreement.
- Upon award, documentation of article/chapter submission must occur within 4 weeks in order to retain funding.
- Authors must include the following statement of acknowledgment: “This article’s(chapter’s) publication was funded by the Portland State University Open Access Article Processing Charge Fund, administered by the Portland State University Library.”
- Authors agree to deposit a final published version of the article into the institutional repository, PDXScholar, for long-term preservation and collocation with other author, department, college, and university scholarship.
- Funded articles/chapters must be published in fully open access journals or fully open access books, with articles publicly available at the time of publication.
- Journals and Books must have their fee schedule publicly available online.
- Journals and Books must meet the following criteria:
- The publisher is compliant with the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association’s Code of Conduct.
- The journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Directory of Open Access Books or meets DOAJ/DOAB selection criteria.
- Hybrid journals and books are ineligible (journals/books that charge subscriptions or payment and also enable specific articles/chapters to be made Open Access via author payment). Compliance will be confirmed as part of the application review.
Support Provided
- The maximum amount of support is $3,200 for a single article, book chapter, or book. The author is responsible for either negotiating down or paying any amount over $3,200. Additional funding can be applied as needed, for example, from an IPDA.
- Articles, book chapters, and books will be supported on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are expended.
- Funded awards must be expended within the 12 month fiscal year (July–June) requested.
- No more than two requests will be processed for the same author within a given fiscal year (July-June).
- Once approved for publication and funding, the author should direct the journal/publisher to send the invoice to the Library for payment.
- Complete the PSU OA APC application form.
- Requests may be made at the time an article is accepted.
- Payment for approved applications will be made directly to the journal on the author’s behalf.
- Authors will be notified of their application status via email.