| MGMT 481 EntrepreneurshipMGMT 511 Foundations of StrategyMGMT 512 Organizational ManagementMGMT 518 Digital Transformation of Business MKTG 441 Media StrategyMKTG 442 Creative StrategyMKTG 443 Advertising CampaignsMKTG 464 Marketing Strategy and ManagementMKTG 513: Pioneering InnovationPA 425/525 Grant Writing for NonprofitsPA 511: Introduction to Public AdministrationPHE 250 Our Community Our HealthPHE 327U - Community NutritionPHE 443U - Environmental HealthPHE 478/479 Program Planning and EvaluationPHE 541 Media Advocacy & Public HealthPS 410 Political PodcastingRE 410/510 PAM Property & Asset Management - LarsonREU Program GuideSOC 337U Prejudice, Privilege & PowerSOC 397 Social Research MethodsSOC 591 Theoretical Perspectives in SociologySPAN 303: Third-Year SpanishSPAN 325: Phonetics and PhonologySW 320U Introduction to Child WelfareSW 340 Advocacy for Policy ChangeSW 450-550 Research & EvaluationSW 520 Social Welfare PolicySW 564 Social Work in SchoolsSW 590: Advanced Topic Research for Racial JusticeUNST First Year InquiryUNST High School Senior InquiryUNST Senior CapstonesUNST Sophomore InquiryUSP 300U - Introduction to Urban StudiesUSP 301 - Introduction to Community DevelopmentUSP 316 - Community Organizing & Social ChangeUSP 460 - Community Development Field SeminarWLL 560: Principles of Scholarly ResearchWR 121 Composition IWR 222 Writing Research PapersWR 227 Introduction to Technical WritingWR 301 Critical Writing in English - LincolnWR 323 Writing as Critical InquiryWR 327 Technical Report WritingWS 101: Introduction to Womens Studies |